
The Anti Tick Spray from CarePlus is a must-have for your walk in the woods, holiday at the campsite or in your own garden. The anti-tick spray protects for up to 6 hours and can be worn by children from 3 months.

SKU: 32657 Category:


The Anti Tick Spray from CarePlus is the ideal anti-tick spray ideal to wear during a walk through the woods, during scouting or at the campsite. This spray protects for up to 6 hours and does not contain DEET and therefore does not affect plastics. The spray can be worn by children from 3 months. The bottle has enough content to supply one person for three weeks. You can easily apply the spray to the skin, with the legs being the most important.

Product specifications

  • Protects up to 6 hours
  • Suitable for children from 3 months
  • Contains no DEET
  • Content: 60 ml
  • Active substance: Citriodiol

Additional information


