Once again, Gerard Goudriaan is doing city walkers a service with this city guide. In eight themes he shows us Rotterdam in a different way each time. Of course he points out the inevitable highlights: the Euromast, the Erasmus and Willems bridges, the Hef and the Kuip and the station. But also the gems that many hikers would simply pass by are not forgotten in this hiking guide. We are reminded of the ‘zwaantjes’ of Plaswijck, the numerous windmills by the lakes in Noord, a carelessly written text by Jules Deelder on a gate in the centre, the quality of the coffee at the Hofbogen and the strange works of art at Atelier van Lieshout .
Terraces and moorings where you can look out over the mighty harbors are located along the routes and sometimes you even have to drink your beer on a roof terrace. Gerard strings together no less than 108 viewing points in more than 90 kilometers. All themes are extensively introduced and with the clear map material nothing can go wrong for the walker … In addition, GPS tracks and the latest versions of the walks can be downloaded via a qr code

Size: 12.6 x 21.0 cm
Size: 128 pages
ISBN: 9789078641964
Binding: paperback

For those who already know Amsterdam a little better and want to see the city in a different way, this walking guide is an absolute must. Unsuspected places, monuments and views are promoted to places of interest by sound background information. Eight different themes connect these places in a surprising way to create original routes. This results in city walks that show you Amsterdam as you have never seen our capital. Or, as route maker Goudriaan calls his hometown: ‘A large open-air museum’.

Size: 12.5 x 21.0 cm
Size: 128 pages
ISBN: 9789078641551
Binding: paperback

Walking in the virgin surrounding countryside of Alphen aan den Rijn, in the natural rugged inner area of the Krimpenerwaard or in the culturally rich border area of the Dutch counts and Utrecht bishops of yesteryear, it’s all possible in this new edition of ‘The greenest walks in the Randstad’.

The publication is a follow-up to earlier, successful publications by the same author, such as the three bundles of Groene Hart(s)tochts with 26 walks and the two walking booklets in the Op Loopdistance series with 40 walks.

Although a single track in this edition has been published previously, it has now been updated, expanded and provided with new, additional information where necessary.

As usual, author Loek Heskes has plotted most of the walks himself. Existing routes or parts of existing routes were only used in a single section, but the description is unique in all cases. His wife Irene, who again accompanied him on all tours, took the beautiful pictures.

All walks in this edition are provided with practical information about the length and duration of the route and alternative routes, about catering and public transport, about what is seen and encountered along the way, whether the breeding season temporarily impedes access and whether you can take your dog with you .

Size: 12.6 x 21.0 cm
Size: 112 pages
ISBN: 978-90-78641-14-8

A walk in the woods is not only healthy (scientifically proven!), it is also surprising in every season. In the spring the beeches, oaks and birches open and you can hear forest birds singing. In the summer, forests provide coolness and shade, and in the fall there are plenty of mushrooms and autumn colors to admire. And in winter you can easily spot animals, such as wild boars and red deer, between the bare trees.

In The most beautiful forest walks in the Netherlands you will find nature walks through various forests in the Netherlands. From the quiet Drents-Friese Wold to the rugged Planken Wambuis and from the unknown Stippelberg to the hilly Vijlenerbos. But the guide is also a handy field guide. While walking you will learn to recognize trees by their bark and leaves, you will see the differences between the most common forest birds and you will dive into the world of mushrooms and other forest inhabitants. Walking in the woods has never been so much fun.

Size: 13.0 x 21.0 cm
Size: 160 pages
ISBN: 9789059568815
Binding: paperback

For those who can handle loneliness (or appreciate loneliness) this is the right hiking guide. Because Drenthe was one of the last provinces to develop, the province has remained open and empty.
In this walking guide, Rob Wolfs describes seventeen walks in which he deliberately visited the quiet places of Drenthe. But Drenthe is more: it has a long and rich archaeological and cultural-historical history. You will come across dolmens, beautiful old ash villages, peat colonial remains and walk past the beautiful old buildings of the Society for Benevolence.
Those who walk all the walks in this guide will discover that Drenthe has much more to offer than forests, stream valleys, heaths, peat and senior citizens on their bicycles.

Size: 12.6 x 21.0 cm
Size: 128 pages
ISBN: 978-90-78641-43-8
Binding: paperback

Schieland and Krimpenerwaard are two large polder areas in the west of the Netherlands the Hollandse IJssel, the Lek, the Vlist and the Rotte flow through the area. This region is close to Rotterdam and therefore in the Randstad, but you can nevertheless enjoy beautiful and wide walks. In Schieland, the Rotte is often close by, the peat river that is the namesake of Rotterdam. The Krimpenerwaard is mainly wide and quiet Dutch farmland, with tend roads, narrow, long plots, polder ditches: how rural can it be?

Size: 12.6 x 21.0 cm
Size: 128 pages

In this walking guide, Rob Wolfs does away with the prejudice that North and Central Limburg are just areas you have to drive through to get to South Limburg.
In 18 beautiful routes he shows that it pays to get out earlier. Stroll through picturesque villages in the Maas valley and discover the forests around the Limburg lakes. An undiscovered world where the shepherdess herds her sheep and many a café has a thumbs-thick beer menu. A hymn to rural Limburg.

Rob Wolfs is the uncrowned king of the dirt track. This is already his sixth guide with a ‘sand path guarantee’: all his routes are as far as possible on paths where the walker is not disturbed by mountain bikes or electric bicycles. Guaranteed enjoyment of sandy paths!

Size: 12.6 x 21.0 cm
Size: 128 pages
ISBN: 978-90-78641-48-3
Binding: paperback

South Limburg is the Mecca for walkers. The mountainous landscape by Dutch standards provides constantly new and unexpected views of the lovely hills between Maastricht and Vaals. In this guide, the most beautiful views, sunken roads, steep mountain paths and rolling ruts are skilfully strung together into beautiful walks. Always equipped with the much-needed catering, because walking in South Limburg makes you thirsty!

Rob Wolfs and Rutger Burgers are seasoned route makers. In recent decades, they have mapped out the most beautiful hiking trails throughout the Netherlands. They provided inspiration and terrain knowledge for many hiking node networks.

Size: 12.6 x 21.0 cm
Size: 128
ISBN: 9789078641568
Binding: paperback

Many people love the forest. Others feel more at home in the open field. Preferences do differ. But the most fascinating is the combination of the openness of the field and the security of the forest. A field bordered by a beautiful forest edge in autumn colors or a view from a dark forest path to a meadow at the end: who doesn’t enjoy that?
Nowhere is the alternation of forest and open area more beautiful than in the east of our country. The parts of the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel east of the IJssel are characterized by centuries-old small-scale cultural landscapes where forests and open areas alternate continuously. Rob Wolfs gathered the most beautiful places in this area and arranged attractive walks through them. In ‘Walking on the edge of forest and farmland’ you will find 20 beautiful (circular) walks of sometimes more and sometimes less than 15 kilometers.

Size: 12.6 x 21.0 cm
Size: 128 pages
ISBN: 978-90-78641-24-7
Binding: paperback

In seven walks, Marycke Janne Naber and Ester Smit lead you along traces of the Romans on the northern border of their empire. These are fully hidden in the soil, but reconstructions of Roman roads, watchtowers and foundations of border forts make this past visible. The treasures that have been excavated over time can also be admired in various museums and information centers.

In addition, light-heartedly written theme stories go even deeper into the subject matter. They describe the life of the Romans in general, and that of the soldiers stationed here and of the original inhabitants in particular.

The walks are easily accessible by public transport and catering and overnight addresses have not been forgotten. So go out and experience your Roman past.

Size: 12.6 x 21.0 cm
Size: 128 pages
ISBN: 978-90-78641-50-6
Binding: paperback

Those who don’t like walking around will have a hard time with this phenomenal city walking guide by Alex Buis. He constructed a long-distance walk through the Amsterdam suburb that is 227 kilometers long and on the map looks suspiciously like a plate of spaghetti from above. During this endless wandering through the outskirts of the capital, the walker is constantly surprised: what a beauty and what an enormous variety! A nice walking guide for Amsterdammers who think they know Amsterdam. But also a great opportunity for people from outside the capital to discover that Amsterdam consists of more than tour boats, barrel organs, coffee shops and hordes of photographing tourists.

Size: 12.6 x 21.0 cm
Size: 196 pages
ISBN: 978-90-78641-44-5
Binding: paperback

There are few cities that offer as many options for walkers as Dordrecht. Of course there is the history of the city itself. The monumental buildings and the beautiful squares with cozy terraces and cafes guarantee cosiness, history and liveliness. A detour in this city is definitely worth it. Then there is also the unique location at the crossroads of large and important waterways. In Dordt there is always an unexpected corner or gate from which you can see the busy rivers. On a bench at the Groothoofd you can easily enjoy yourself for a few hours with the variety of ships that pass by.
And if you’re tired of the crowds, a fantastic network of water bus connections will take you to the polders around Dordrecht, the windmills at Kinderdijk or the nature in the Biesbosch within half an hour. Unique in this guide is the support provided by the posts of the hiking network. So even less chance of getting lost and with the tips of the authors, a terrace or a nice pub is always within walking distance. The guarantee for fourteen fun days around Dordt!

Size: 12.6 x 21.0 cm
Size: 128 pages
ISBN: 9789078641896
Binding: paperback