The booklet The most beautiful network walks lists 15 walks with a distance of 5 to 18 kilometers. More than half of the paths that you can walk during the walks are unpaved, so you can enjoy beautiful trips in the South Holland part of the Green Heart, between The Hague, Rotterdam and the Haarlemmermeer.

Each walk in the booklet starts with an introduction that gives a short description of the area through which the walk passes and gives an impression of the route. There is also a map with the walk in which the walk is drawn and an overview with important information is given, such as the start and end point of the route, the length and whether you will encounter catering during the walk. In addition, a lot of background information is given about the sights and nature that you will encounter during the walk. This can, for example, be information about a fort, but also about the flora & fauna you encounter along the way.

This walking guide uses the nodes of the Groene Hart walking network. These routes are clearly marked, so no detailed route descriptions are given in this walking guide.

Product specifications

Deze wandelgids van Rother bevat 15 wandelingen in het hart van Limburg. Voor beginnende en ervaren wandelaars zijn er wandelingen opgenomen. De 15 wandelingen zijn van 5 tot 17 km, en er is gekozen voor zoveel mogelijk onverharde paden. Er zijn uitsluitend routes uit gemarkeerde wandelnetwerken. Er zijn ook topografische routekaartjes, landschapsfoto’s en historische illustraties toegevoegd.

The booklet The most beautiful network walks lists 15 walks with a distance of 6 to 16 kilometres. More than half of the paths that you can walk during the walks are unpaved, so you can enjoy beautiful trips in the regions of Alkmaar and Midden-Kennemerland in North Holland.

Each walk in the booklet starts with an introduction that gives a short description of the area through which the walk passes and gives an impression of the route. There is also a map with the walk in which the walk is drawn and an overview with important information is given, such as the start and end point of the route, the length and whether you will encounter catering during the walk. In addition, a lot of background information is given about the sights and nature that you will encounter during the walk. This can, for example, be information about a fort, but also about the flora & fauna you encounter along the way.

This walking guide uses the nodes of the Kennemerland Walking Network. These routes are clearly marked, so no detailed route descriptions are given in this walking guide.

Product specifications

The booklet The most beautiful network walks lists 15 walks with a distance of 5 to 19 kilometers. More than half of the paths you can take during the walks are unpaved, so you can enjoy beautiful trips over farmland, grassy dikes and quays.

Each walk in the booklet starts with an introduction that gives a short description of the area through which the walk passes and gives an impression of the route. There is also a map with each walk in which the walk is drawn and an overview with important information is given, such as the start and end point of the route, the length and whether you will encounter catering during the walk. In addition, a lot of background information is given about the sights and nature that you will encounter during the walk. This can, for example, be information about a fort, but also about the flora & fauna you encounter along the way.

This walking guide uses the nodes in Twente. These routes are clearly marked, so no detailed route descriptions are given in this walking guide.

Product specifications

The booklet The most beautiful network walks lists 15 walks with a distance of 5 to 15 kilometers. More than half of the paths that you can walk during the walks are unpaved, so you can enjoy beautiful trips in the North Holland regions of Waterland and Zaanstreek, just above Amsterdam.

Each walk in the booklet starts with an introduction that gives a short description of the area through which the walk passes and gives an impression of the route. There is also a map with the walk in which the walk is drawn and an overview with important information is given, such as the start and end point of the route, the length and whether you will encounter catering during the walk. In addition, a lot of background information is given about the sights and nature that you will encounter during the walk. This can, for example, be information about a fort, but also about the flora & fauna you encounter along the way.

This walking guide uses the nodes of the Waterland & Zaanstreek Walking Network. These routes are clearly marked, so no detailed route descriptions are given in this walking guide.

Product specifications

Deze wandelgids met netwerkwandelingen in Zeeland bevat 15 wandelingen die langs de verschillende landschapsvormen lopen. De wandelingen zijn allemaal meer dan 50% op onverharde of halfverharde wegen. Bij elke route is een beschrijving over het landschap dat u passeert.

Deze Rother Wandelgids beschrijft 67 wandelingen. De wandelingen zijn geschikt voor zowel beginnende als ervaren wandelaars. Er zijn betrouwbare routebeschrijvingen beschreven, gedetailleerde kaarten en hoogteprofielen toegevoegd.

Deze Rother wandelgids bevat 50 wandelingen die zowel geschikt zijn voor de beginnende en ervaren wandelaars. Er zijn betrouwbare routebeschrijvingen, gedetailleerde kaarten en informatieve hoogteprofielen toegevoegd.

In deze reisgids is veel achtergrondinformatie opgenomen. Daarnaast is er veel praktische informatie opgenomen wat betreft accommodaties, vervoer, geldzaken, gezondheid, etc. Alle bezienswaardigheden zijn beschreven, en er zijn kaarten en plattegronden in kleur toegevoegd.